Thursday, 15 January 2015

One Fine Winter Day

Since I've been itching to shoot anything this winter, we went to Port Credit on a bright, frigid day to chase the light!
The gazebo on the rocks. 
I shot in JPEG for these photos and edited them all on my iPad using VSCO Cam. The gist of the workflow is: use a USB to lightning adapter to transfer your images, import into VSCO Cam, export and sync with iCloud onto the computer for uploading. 
I shot everything with the little 24mm STM pancake--gotta admit that it focus hunts sometimes, especially in very bright conditions. 
My big brother with his Sony a6000. 
The lake was not completely frozen and I suppose the waves kept breaking them up. When the waves roll in it makes a funny sloshing noise. 
Some parts of the lakeshore were frozen pretty nicely. You can safely walk on the really thick areas, as long as you are careful.
The underbelly of the frozen shore.
I had to lay down like this to get that previous shot. Photocred to Inez. 
I was expecting more frozen branches like this. 

Overall, a productive day for photography! A lot of photographers tend to slow down during the winter months and I totally get it. My fingers were numb after about an hour of shooting. Well, you have to make do with what you got, right?



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