Wednesday 26 December 2012

California Part 5: The End

Read these first :)
Part 1: San Francisco | Part 2: Yosemite National Park
Part 3: Palo Alto  | Part 4: Salinas, Monterey County & the PCH 

Exams are finally done! Sorry for abandoning the blog for a couple of months. I become a hermit once it is midterm and exam season. Since I have time now, I might as well finish blogging. Once school starts again, I probably won't have any time. If you didn't notice, I changed my blog description because I turned twenty (sad face). Goodbye teenage years, you were good to me :( I also got a new lens! The Sigma 30mm 1.4 is the newest member of the family. So far I'm loving it, it's the perfect walk around lens.

I also shot my very first wedding in October and if I am given permission, I will blog the results here :)

On this last leg of the trip, we headed to Solvang, Santa Barbara, Malibu, Anaheim, San Diego and Long Beach. I didn't want to break up the post into two parts, so this will be pretty long. You should read the previous parts before this one if you haven't already!